About the Photographer
I was born and educated in New York City and I live there now as well as in Port Charlotte, Florida. In 1995, after teaching English for 25 years at the City University of New York, I acquired a degree in photography, retired, and became a professional photographer. Currently, I am a fine-art, black and white film photographer. I use manual film cameras: a Nikon FM2 and F3 and a Pentax 6 x 7. My film of choice is Tri-X and my preferred paper is multigrade matte.
About the Photographs
My photographs are in the surreal tradition: they are not "pretty pictures" nor are they didactic or narrative. Rather, I want to create fresh forms and curious arrangements. I align myself with the surreal photographers--create solarized and photomontage prints in the darkroom, double expose through the lens, hand color images and assemble collages. My work is more metaphoric than literal--I look for beauty amidst chaos and reason amidst disonance.